Name of the Society - The name of the society shall be called Guidance Point Education Society.
Location - The registered Office of the Societies shall be located SCO No 8, 1st Floor, Near Telephone Exchange, Ladwa Road, Shahabad (M), Distt Kurukshetra, Haryana. (136135)
Establishment – The Society was established on the day of 1st Day of January 2015.
Interpretation - The Society shall be followed as per rules provided in the society Registration Act, 21 of 1860
Jurisdiction- Its jurisdiction shall be in its own village and shall not be extended without the approval of General body having 2/3rd majority and also the same shall not be implemented without the prior approval of the Addl. Registrar of Society within two months from the date of passing of such resolution.
Aims and objects of the Society
a) To provide means for imparting literacy, industrial, commercial, technical, scientific, professional, moral, religious and cultural educational and to establish institutes such as school, college, boarding house, libraries, workshops, hospital and such other institutes as may be approved by Guidance Point Education Society.
b) To provide stipend, scholarship and other facilities for students to enable them to pursue studies of any kind and to acquire technical, commercial or other specialized training of any kind in India or outside India.
c) To built the moral life and character of the member of the Societies as well as the villagers and maintained discipline in the village.
d) To develop the cultural /scientific /fine arts/Literature /Sports and games activities among the members as well as general public.
e) To develop the literary affairs through daily, weekly, monthly and yearly magazines and through Radio programme.
f) To provide medical facilities to the weaker sections of the Society.
g) To spread and knowledge for cottage industries and other sources for self-employment.
h) To collect funds for the above objects and to control their investment and expenditure.
i) To utilize popularly Government grants and other funds of the Society.
j) To purchase, take on lease, exchange, hire or otherwise acquire an interest in lands, buildings or property of any kind or tenure necessary or convenient for carrying out the object of the society and to sell, lease out/ mortgage, dispose off, turn to account, or otherwise deal with the whole or any kind of property and right of the society.
k) Implementation and promotion etc. of any government sponsored schemes in the state.